70th Semi-Annual Bugorama

It’s not often that the Booger family is able to get away and just have some good, plain fun outside of racing with the Green Booger! Usually all business, the Booger was able to flaunt its shiny green today in Sacramento, CA at the reknown Bugorama, celebrating its 70th event running. Want good food, beer, friends, drag racing, cars demolished in engine fires, and swap meets? Look no further. Spread out over a mile, Bugorama at the Sacramento Raceway has something for everyone. Even people who shipped their race cars over from Japan and Canada.

The Booger handing out swag and “autographs”

Today, it had the Green Booger! The Booger was proud to flaunt its accolades and represent the Class 11 Stockbug to interested parties. We are especially proud of the car for us having not touched it since pulling it from the trailer after taking first in the VORRA USA 500, and then driving it the 60 miles for Bugorama without a hitch. This car just loves to go. If you wanted Booger swag, even signed by Larry G, today was the day to ask and receive! We were amused with one boy who asked for Larry G’s autograph, and promptly delivered a green duct tape wallet to us. Thank you to all who stopped by and made Bugorama fun for us and the Booger! It was wonderful to converse with each of you, and we hope you enjoy your Booger swag!

Sweet Type 3 fastback
The Booger’s brother from another mother?
Drag race fun!
Ever wonder what it’s like to peer out of the Booger? Now you know.
Author: admin