Stranded in Death Valley – tale of what not to do

Recently this story popped up among racing circles, and I think it’s a good reminder of what not to do. Especially if it messes with Mother Nature in places that you aren’t familiar with, and ESPECIALLY if you don’t quite have adequate survival training.

This is a long article, so beware that you’ll have to take some time to read if it you do. Us off-roaders of course do this for fun, but we stock provisions and keep communication with pits. In the middle of Death Valley with just a Camry? Not so fun. Check out the photos of the damage he did to the undercarriage at the end of the article. Wow. Luckily it turned out okay for them, and they weren’t hurt other than his pocketbook for his very expensive mistake. Others haven’t been so lucky. Yet another lesson in why we shouldn’t rely on electronic devices solely – personal navigational skills and paper maps are so underrated nowadays. And also another lesson in letting pride get in the way gets you nowhere – like in the middle of Death Valley.

Click to read: Stranded In Death Valley Pt. 1

Author: admin