New TLR Affiliate – SmartSexyGeeky

If the title didn’t get your attention, the content certainly will. Our friend and sponsor Jade Axline of Jaded by Design has created a new blog geared towards girls and women (men too, really!) who enjoy nerdiness, business, and intellectual thought provoking ideas to better your life. Plus she has a wicked sense of humor, so it’s not a boring blog like so many of them.

Which, by the way, you should really check out her fantastic image design capabilities at her website. If you are in the market for a great new professional logo at a very affordable price, you’ve found your designer. Here is her mission statement of sorts for the new blog:

“I “founded” (meaning, bought the domain name) SmartSexyGeeky because I felt like there were too many blogs and sites for women focusing on makeup, fashion, calorie counting, and celebrity gossip. The goal was to create a corner of the internet where women (and maybe some men!) could go to read something relevant and something more existential than what so-and-so wore to this or that awards show. I wanted to write articles about maintaining, or regaining, a positive body image and overall health. I wanted to write about super nerdy things such as video games, the next Comic Con, and why I chose Intel over AMD…and I wanted to bring more people into that world. I hope my writing makes you laugh, inspires you, and makes you think. If it doesn’t, I’m sure at least one of my 3 amazing writers will. Thanks for reading SmartSexyGeeky!
– Jade Axline”

What does this mean for our TLR readers, and why on earth have I included this here? Well, other than a shameless plug for what will be an actually interesting blog, Jade has invited TLR to contribute automotive advice and tutorials there as well. Ah, there’s the gear-head reader relation to TLR. 😉 Additionally, there are four writers in total contributing, with affiliates ALSO guest-blogging, so there will be a vast amount of information, education, and subjects covered. You never know what you will be reading next. You can also visit SmartSexyGeeky on Facebook and give them a “like” to keep up with new posts. Or visit the website directly: SmartSexyGeeky.

TLR is proud to promote healthy image and good causes, like the cancer-research fundraising calendar with the esteemed off-road racer and YouTube car star Emme Hall that the Booger was featured in (twice!), or fundraising car shows we are proud to take part in. TLR is looking forward to being an online contributor in another facet of this subject. You can check out posts in the menu up there ^^ under Tutorials, or visit our first contribution directly by clicking here. Of course, most of the posts there will be very generalized for our usual readers, but remember this is basic information provided to help women (or even some men!) become more familiar with their car and thus feel more comfortable and confident in their abilities. Feel free to pass this website on to friends and family you think would enjoy reading it.


Author: admin