TLR Things Secondhand: A different kind of groomer

And for the random TLR Things Secondhand segment this time, we give you grooming products that you, yes YOU, can go buy RIGHT now in the pet aisle at your local Target. So technically the product isn’t secondhand, but the picture is I suppose. Anyway, as we were navigating Target one fine day, we found this gem hanging up and it stopped us in our tracks. From the packaging, we surmised it was a mitt to wear while bathing your dog that helps to wick away loose hair, debris, and create lather from the soap. However, NONE of that can be deduced from the mitt’s logo.


WHO puts THAT on their product?

Do you suppose they all nodded their heads in the marketing meeting and thought it was a great idea, without EVER thinking about how it will be construed? I mean, people have probably put more effort into naming their pet fish than these people apparently did with their product. Upon further research, I learned this is actually the name of a company – which makes it infinitely worse. Or maybe that’s the scheme behind it… 😯

This one promises a quicky job.
This one promises a quicky job.
And these wipes will make your kitty pretty if it happens to get dirty.
And these wipes will make your kitty pretty if it happens to get dirty.
Author: admin